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Above the Clouds

School of Ministry

CiUniversity School of Ministry Degree

One of the World's Best School of Ministry

The School of Ministry offers Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate Degrees in Ministry.  Students who successfully complete the Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate Degree Programs are eligible to apply for licensing or ordination at the completion of the program. 

Students going through the School of Ministry will receive options to activate and apply his or her gifts, talents, abilities, and training as well as earn milestone certificates, such as Minister Trainee Certificate, and Minister Diploma. 


It's Your Time to Earn a New Degree

An opportunity has presented itself for you to transform your mind, change your brain (neuroplasticity​), which in turn changes one's life. The opportunity to start fresh and new is here.  You can become a knowledgeable man or woman that you desire to be. According to Wes Moore, "Potential is available to everyone, but not opportunity."


Without education, there's no opportunity.  The opportunity to change lives, families, communities, businesses, and communities is here and it all starts with you. Apply today! 

Students have the option to choose a Ministry Tract as an area of focus. 

Ministry Degrees are offered in the following:





Tracts are:

  • Five Fold Ministry (Apostles > Prophets > Evangelist > Pastors > Teachers)

  • Clergy

  • Chaplaincy

  • Marriage and Family

  • Marketplace Ministry

  • Administration

  • Leadership



  • UNDERSTANDING your Authentic Purpose

  • Original Intent of G-d 

  • Introduction to Hebrew, Judaism and the Torah 

  • Being Established as a Leader

  • Introduction to the fundamentals of Marketplace Ministry

  • Learning the Tools of Crisis Intervention & Conflict Resolution 

  • Mapping out the Blueprint for your life

  • Understanding Covenants & Wealth

  • Becoming  CRYSTAL CLEAR about your life

  • Finding Meaning in life

  • Learning about MINDSETS, BELIEFS & VALUES  

  • Getting the tools for Activation, Equipping, Mobilization 

  • Getting back to the basics and establishing a foundation 

  • Digging into Biblical Numerology and the significance of numbers 

  • Learning the ART of FOCUS 

  • Discussing Dreams, Signs, Wonders and their meanings 

  • Understanding how to apply the Word of God for every situation in your life 

  • In-Depth Study of the Torah and the Prophetic 

  • Introduction to Neurogenesis 

  • Understanding The Old and New Testament

  • Discovering which sphere of influence you are called to 

  • Clarity on Purpose 

  • Activating your gifts, talents, and abilities

  • Knowing when to be still and when to speak 

  • Seasons of life explained

  • Vision versus visions

  • Understanding Pause Moments and more...

Upon Graduation from CiU School of Ministry, students have the opportunity to apply for licensing or ordination based on certain requirements.  Learn more about Licensing and Ordination below. 

Licensing & Ordination

Church in U Global 

Network Affiliation

CiU Global Network is the licensing and ordination arm of CiUniversity. We license and ordain Ministers in the Five Fold Ministry, after training and recommendation from our ministerial staff. We offer 4 Types of Affiliations and/or Covering. 

1. Ordination

One who is established in full-time ministry and wishes to be confirmed by the laying on of hands. Students have the option to participate in a committed relationship to CiU Global Network as their primary source for apostolic/prophetic covering, or a ministry of their choice. 


Their goal is a mature ministry and seeing integrity, honor, and purpose restored to the fivefold ministry. Members ordained by CiU Global Network may be recommended as approved ministers and afforded other privileges.


Ordination for Ministries Other Than Pastors
CiU recognizes that in the Body of Christ there are offices other than pastors, such as apostle, prophet, evangelist, and teacher. While a person holding such an office should be a member of a local church, he/she may also head a Christian ministry that is not a local church. Such membership privileges in CiU Global Network should be available to that minister even though their organization is a local ministry. Local ministries must meet the requirements.


Privileges & Benefits:

  • Learning and Training in the Five-Fold Ministry 

  • Participation in monthly or bi-monthly Regional meetings (sometimes virtually) 

  • Recognition of fivefold calling and commissioning to launch a ministry

  • Complimentary Access to Annual Global Word of the Lord or Word of the Lord Tours 

  • Ordained minister ID card

  • Yearly personal prophetic ministry 

  • Guidance with 501(c)3 status





CiU Global Network may directly Ordain individuals who meet the following requirements:


  •  Should have an established work or itinerant ministry

    • Church / Outreach

      • 2 to 3 years in existence

      • Minimum of 25 adults in membership

      • Consistent meeting location

      • Regular services

      • Confirmed numerical growth and increase

      • Sustained personal financial support from the ministry

    • Itinerant / Other Ministry

      • 1 to 3 years in existence

      • Regular meetings

      • Confirmed anointing and increase

      • Sustaining personal financial support from the ministry

      • Must have a clear and confirmed five-fold ministry calling


    • Three quality references from other fivefold ministers

    • Must be willing to embrace and represent the vision of the Leaders

    • Willingness to tithe as needed


Renewal of Ordination: Ministers will have their certification reviewed each year through the completion of Annual Covenant Update Forms. This will provide an opportunity to evaluate our relationship and re-examine our association to establish that we are still moving together in the same vision for His Kingdom

2. Licensing 

One who is actively pursuing full-time, fivefold ministry through an active emerging work or itinerant ministry.

Benefits - Individual 

  • Learning and Training in the Five-Fold Ministry 

  • Participation in monthly or bi-monthly Regional meetings (sometimes virtually) 

  • Recognition of fivefold calling and commissioning to launch a ministry

  • Complimentary Access to Annual Word of the Lord or Word of the Lord Tours 

  • Licensed minister ID card

  • Yearly personal prophetic ministry 

Benefits - Church 

  • Have an active emerging work or itinerant ministry:

    • Church / Outreach

      • Less than 3 years in existence or ordained elsewhere

      • Minimum of 15 adults in membership

      • Moving toward consistent meeting location

      • Regular Services

      • Confirmation of God’s growth and increase

      • Some financial support from the ministry

  • Expected to attend Regional and National meetings for relationship, accountability, and training

  • Willing to embrace and represent CiU's Vision 

  • Must be willing to commit $25 or more per month to CiU.


Review of License: Maintaining a ministerial license with CIU will be subject to annual review by the Leadership Team. The license will be evaluated each year for renewal at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


3. Associate Minister 

An individual is currently under the covering of an ordained minister and is looking for ministerial training in the Five Fold Ministry. 

4. CiU Regional Ministry 

As part of our Global Network, we launch other CiU Ministries globally, such as CiU Central Texas, CiU Wisconsin, CiU Illinois, CiU Jamaica.  Being named a CiU Ministry is a separate process and is handled on a case-by-case basis. 


All Pastors > Bishops > Clergy > Ministerial Leaders etc.

We have an opportunity for you! 

Doctoral Candidate

Dear Pastor, Bishop, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Ministry Leader, and the like, an opportunity has presented itself for you to potentially earn a Doctorate Degree in Ministry. There are so many well-qualified ministers who have been ministering for years but do not have an advanced degree. 


In January of 2020, God spoke to Dr. Carolyn and said "Tell my Pastors, Prophets, People, and Parents to get their Papers." The time is now to earn a degree and to receive the credentials needed to position yourself for prosperity. Perhaps you will become the first person in your family to earn a Doctorate Degree.


There's an opportunity that you may be able to complete and earn a Doctorate Degree in just 1 and 1/2 years without having a Master's Degree.  There are certain criteria and qualifications that will determine your eligibility.  Please complete the initial assessment below for our review committee to determine if you would be qualified to be a part of our Accelerated Doctorate Degree in Ministry. 

If you already have a Doctorate Degree in Ministry and you are interested in a Doctorate Degree in Leadership or Business, please complete the form as well. One of our Staff Members will be in contact with you.  This is an opportunity of a lifetime and one that may never come again. It's your Time! 


"Potential is available for everyone, but not opportunity." Wes Moore


Please complete the form below as a preliminary assessment to see if you qualify for an Accelerated Doctoral Degree in Ministry. 


Alicia Perry
National Ambassador
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dr. Carolyn is truly a light 💡 in a world 🌎 where there is darkness. 

It is impossible for darkness to exist in your world once the Power Source of Dr. Carolyn appears!!!

“God” said in Genesis 1:3 Let there be Light and Light appeared. I believe “God”said Let there be light in my life and Dr. Carolyn appeared and my life is now lit-up. It is truly an eye opening revelation to experience. My world was in a dark place but “God”!!!

I AM most humbled and grateful to “God” Almighty for His Spirit of light Illuminating through his humbled servant Dr. Carolyn.

Warmest Gratitude 🙏🏿!!! 

Sylvia Richardson 

Certified Life Coach

Bloomington, Illinois

As a Life Coach, Prophet and Leader in my life she seeks out the truth of God's prophetic word with surety and unwavering passion.


She keeps her ears tuned to the voice of God and her eyes forward to see what the Spirit is saying for today and in this season in the lives of God's people.

She has prophetically spoken into my life and confirmed, and reaffirmed what thus sayeth the Lord on numerous occasions. She is truly a Prophet for today.

Virtual School



One  Weekend Per Month 

2nd & 4th Wednesdays  - 6:00pm - 10:00pm CST
FRIDAYS 6:00pm - 10:00pm CST


(NO WEEKEND CLASSES  July & August) summer break

SUMMER ACADEMY - one week in July  

Schedule subject to change

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